Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Painting of Today: Pomegranate with Brie

"Pomegranate with Brie," 8x10. Oil on Masonite Panel.
This painting was much more difficult than I anticipated. What drew me to the subject was the glorious half of a pomegranate of course. I did this as a Direct Alla Prima painting so the wet in wet mixing appealed to me since I thought it would be a quick project.  The plate cause the most frequent issues but was a great learning tool for me. I had to re-paint most of it on the second session to correct the plate issues so then my initial spot on and spontaneous lively painting of the brie and pomegranate were unfortunately lost. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with the painting. I also learned that still life set up is definitely a learned skill that I am determined to master. My palette for this was Holbein Lead White, Gambline Titanium White, Vasari Dutch Yellow, Gamblin Cad Yellow Light, Utrecht Cad Red Light, Williamsburg Alizarin Crimson, Williamsburg Quinacridone Red, Williamsburg Quinacridone Magenta, Rembrandt Viridian, Williamsburg Ultramarine Blue. My support was a gessoed Masonite panel prepared with mid-toned Grey Gess sanded lightly.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Painting of Today: Pomegranate

I decided to set up a few still life compositions to try painting them. I like the chiaroscuro mood so went for some low side lighting with a dark background.

"Pomegranate," 5x7. Oil on Masonite.

I love the cherry pinks in pomegranates and had to paint this lone fruit. My technique here was Alla Prima/Direct painting. It took roughly an hour and a half. The palette for this one was Holbein Lead White, Vasari Dutch Yellow, Gamblin Cad Yellow Light, Utrecht Cad Red Light, Williamsburg Alizarin Crimson, Williamsburg Quinacridone Red, Williamsburg Quinacridone Magenta, Rembrandt Viridian, Williamsburg Ultramarine Blue. My support was a gessoed Masonite panel prepared with mid-toned Grey Gesso sanded lightly.

This was my first time using Lead White. I had been reticent to use it because I felt I would not know how to use it to best effect. Well, I love it. There is no chalkiness that I was used to when using pure titanium white. I loved its silkiness and the subtleties that one achieves.  Definitely will be a keeper on my palette. I have a variety of brands for the Lead White to try and we'll see which ones I like best.